

Skin diseases are a major health problem in the pediatric age group.
Some diseases are transient (few days), some are chronic (few weeks) and some may be recurrent. Skin conditions in children are more influenced by socio-economic status, environmental exposure, and dietary habits as compared to adults.

Skin infections are common in children during school going years. Most of the skin diseases which result from genetic abnormalities also have onset in the pediatric age- group. Some skin conditions in children are physiological means normal variations according to their age. Such conditions require counselling.

Some skin conditions require immediate treatment such as infections Children have more frequent exposure to other children and so chances of bacteria viral and parasitic infections are more and so urgent treatment

Bacterial : pyodermas (impetigo, folliculitis)
Presentation is pain swelling redness pus in lesion and sometimes fever and needs urgent treatment

Fungal: fungal infection of hair or body presents as itching redness over hair patch or body for few days to weeks

viral : maculopapular rash of viral fever, measles chicken pox herpes simplex are few viral diseases and mycobacterial infections.

Light colored patches on face. This is usually associated with condition eczema that causes itchy rashes.

Diseases related to dry aggravates in winter. Children have family history of dry skin.

They are common in school going children. Lice infestation presents as itchy scalp. scabies presents as itching at night all over body specifically on interdigital spaces.

Skin diseases in children

Skin of newborn is very tender and thin. It requires utmost care at this age. It is window for underlying systemic diseases.
Though Neonatal skin is structurally similar to adult skin it differs from adult skin in following way….
1.Higher skin surface area to weight ratio.
2.connection between dermis and epidermis is less strong.
3. skin is thinner and less elastic. barrier is poorly developed so the chances of temperature instability…skin is more susceptible to microbial attack….more reactive to irritant….increased water loss through skin and increased absorption of drugs through the skin
5. the pH of skin is higher. 

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