

Psoriasis is a long-term skin condition that can also affect the nails and joints. It affects up to 2%of world population. Though it is not a life-threatening disease but it tends to flare up from time to time.

Psoriasis is treatable and effectively and completely controlled but not curable. Treatment with various creams or ointments can often clear or reduce patches (plaques) of psoriasis.


Psoriasis is a common condition where there is inflammation of the skin. It typically develops as patches (plaques) of red, scaly skin. Once you develop psoriasis it tends to come and go. A flare-up can occur at any time. The frequency of flare-ups varies. There may be times when psoriasis clears for long spells. However, in some people the flare-ups occur often. Psoriasis is not due to an infection. One cannot pass it on to other people and it does not turn into cancer.

Chronic plaque type most common, the most common areas affected are over elbows and knees and the lower may occur on scalp or flexural (creases of skin or skin folds)

1.Pustular Psoriasis

2.Nail Psoriasis

3.Guttate or drop Psoriasis: – Here triggering factor is bacterial infection

4.Erythrodermic Psoriasis: – It causes redness all over body. Individual plaques have merged together. It is skin emergency as it causes acute skin failure

It is a complex interplay between genetics and immunology. Normally outer layer of skin is continuously replaced. This shedding time is reduced from three to four weeks to few days.

It is multifactorial disease. Psoriasis is not an infectious disease and cannot be transmitted by contact, hence there is no fear for spreading it through the physical contact with patient.


1.Stress: any physical and mental stress is known to aggravate

2.Smoking: It increases existing psoriasis. Stopping smoking will not only help your psoriasis but will also help to reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke

3.Obesity and overweight: it makes developing psoriasis more likely

4.Infections: sore throat can aggravate psoriasis

5.Certain drugs pain killers and drugs for hypertension can trigger psoriasis

6.Cold climate: special skin care with moisturizers is necessary in winter

Trauma prone areas such as elbows and knees palm sole and back more commonly involved.

1.Weight reduction

2.Physical exercise

3.Limit alcohol intake

4.Stop smoking

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